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Panagiotis “Takis” Mitropoulos, Ph.D., P.E.

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

J.R. Filanc Construction Engineering & Management Program

(619) 594-0137





Professor Mitropoulos joined the faculty of San Diego State University in August 2011.  He holds a Doctoral degree in Civil Engineering from Stanford University, and a Master of Science degree from Virginia Tech.  Before joining SDSU, Dr. Mitropoulos was Assistant Professor at Arizona State University.  Before ASU, Dr. Mitropoulos worked for eight years with DPR Construction as a Performance Improvement specialist on large technical projects, and as a consultant with Lean Project Consulting.

Professor Mitropoulos teaches courses in Productivity Improvement, Construction Scheduling, Lean Construction and Construction Safety.  His primary areas of research include operations design and accident prevention, high performance crews, and lean production management.   His current research focuses on “High Reliability” foremen and crews.   In 2007, Dr. Mitropoulos was awarded the NSF CAREER Award for his research “Safety as an Emergent Property of the Production System:  Production Practices and Teamwork Processes of High Reliability Crews.”



Ph.D                 Stanford University (Civil Engineering)                                  1996

M.S.                 Virginia Tech (Civil Engineering)                                            1991

B.S.                  University of Patras, Greece (Civil Engineering)                    1985



Aug 11 – present         Associate Professor, San Diego State University

                                    Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Aug 04 – Aug 11          Assistant Professor, Arizona State University

                                    Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering,  Del E. Webb School of Construction

Mar 02 – Aug 04         Operations Analysis and Lean Construction Consultant, Menlo Park, CA

Jan 03 – Dec 03           Adjunct Professor, San Jose State University

                                    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Jun 96 – Mar 02          Process Improvement Specialist, DPR Construction, Inc.

Nov 86 – Oct 88          Contracting Officer, Greek Air Force

July 85 – Aug 89          Civil Engineer, Fragakis Engineering Co., Athens, Greece