

Panagiotis “Takis” Mitropoulos, Ph.D., P.E.

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

J.R. Filanc Construction Engineering & Management Program

(619) 594-0137




Archived Journal Publications (Student names underlined)

Memarian, B. and Mitropoulos, P. (under review) “Production Practices Affecting Worker Task Demands in Concrete Operations: A Case Study” submitted to WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 3/13/2014.

Memarian, B. and Mitropoulos, P. (2014) “Production System Design for Speed and Reliability: A Case Study in Concrete Construction” International J. of Construction Education & Research, 10 (3), pp. 181-200.

Mitropoulos, P. (2014) “The Effect of Production Control and Safety Management on Project Safety” The Professional Constructor, J. of the American Institute of Constructors, 38(1), pp. 5-12. 

Mitropoulos, P., Hussain, S., Guarascio-Howard, L., and Memarian, B. (pre-press) “Task Parameters Affecting Ergonomic Demands and Productivity of HVAC Duct Installation Operations” WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation. DOI 10.3233/WOR-131700, posted online 9/4/2013.

Memarian, B. and Mitropoulos, P. (2013) "Accidents in Masonry Construction:  The Contribution of Production Activities to Accidents, and the Effect on Different Worker Groups" Safety Science, 59, 179-186.

Mitropoulos, P. and Memarian B. (2013) "Task Demands in Masonry Work: Sources, Performance Implications and Management Strategies" J. Constr. Eng. & Manage, ASCE, 139(5):581-590.

Mitropoulos, P. and Memarian B. (2012) "Team Processes and Workers Safety: Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Processes of Construction Crews," J. Constr. Eng. & Manage, ASCE, 138 (10): 1181-1191.

Mitropoulos, P. and Namboodiri, M. (2011). “A New Method for Measuring the Safety Risk of Construction Activities: The Task Demands Assessment.” J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., 137(1): 30-38.

Mitropoulos, P., and Guillama, V. (2011). “A Framework of Task Demand Factors for Residential Framing Activities” Management Procurement and Law Journal, ICE, Feb 2011 themed issue on Construction Health and Safety: New Directions, 164(1): 19-27.

Mitropoulos, P. and Namboodiri, M. (2011). “The Task Demands Assessment Methodology.” Management Procurement and Law Journal, ICE, Feb 2011 themed issue on Construction Health and Safety: New Directions, 164(1): 9-17.

Abdelhamid, T.S., Mitropoulos, P., Schafer, D. and Howell, G.A. (2010) “Construction Safety: A Lean Construction Research Agenda” The American Professional Constructor, AIC, Vol 33(3):31-67.

Mitropoulos, P., and Nichita T. (2010) “Critical Aspects of Production Control on Projects with Labor Constraints: Lessons from a Residential Case Study.” J Mgt in Engrg, ASCE, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 153-159.

Mitropoulos, P. and Guillama, V. (2010). “Analysis of Residential Framing Accidents, Activities, and Task Demands,” J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., ASCE, Vol. 136, No.2, 260-269.

Abdelhamid T. S., Mohamed El-Gafy, and Mitropoulos P. (2009).  “Selection of Roof Casting Formwork Systems for the Bird Island Project:  A Case Study.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp 224-241.

Mitropoulos, P., and Cupido, G., (2009). “The Role of Production & Teamwork Practices in Construction Safety: A Cognitive Model and an Empirical Case Study.” Journal of Safety Research, 40(4): 265-275.

Mitropoulos, P. (2009) “Process Metrics for Proactive Process Control.” The American Professional Constructor Journal, American Institute of Constructors, 33(1): 33-40.

Mitropoulos P., Cupido G, and Namboodiri M. (2009). “A Cognitive Approach to Construction Safety: The Task Demand-Capability Model,” J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., ASCE, 135(9): 881-889.

Mitropoulos, P., and Cupido, G., (2009). “Safety as an Emergent Property: An Investigation into the Work Practices of High Reliability Framing Crews,” J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., 135 (5), 407-415.

Mitropoulos, P., Nichita T., Abdelhamid, T. (2008). “Sources of Workflow Uncertainty and Variation in Residential Construction.” The Housing and Building Research Center (HBRC) Journal, 4(1): 132-142.

Mitropoulos, P. (2007) “Beyond Compliance: New Strategies for Construction Accident Prevention.” Construction Information Quarterly, 9(2): 69-73.

Mitropoulos P., Abdelhamid T. S, and. Howell G. A. (2005). “Systems Model of Construction Accident Causation.” J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., ASCE, 131(7): 816-825.

Mitropoulos P. and Howell G. A. (2002) “Renovation Projects: Design Process Problems and Improvement Mechanisms,” J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., ASCE, 128(4): 179-185.

Mitropoulos P. and Howell G. A. (2001). “Model for Understanding, Preventing, and Resolving Project Disputes” J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., ASCE, 127(3): 223-231

Mitropoulos P. and Tatum C.B. (2000).  “Forces Driving Adoption Of New Information Technologies,” J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., ASCE, 126(5): 340-348.

Mitropoulos P. and Tatum C.B. (2000).  “Management-Driven Integration,” J. of Mgt in Engrg, ASCE, 16(1): 48-58.

Mitropoulos P. and Tatum C.B. (1999). “Technology Adoption Decisions in Construction Organizations.”  J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., ASCE, 125(5): 330-338.

DeLaGarza J., and Mitropoulos P.  (1992). “Flavors and Mixins of Expert System Technology Transfer”, J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., 118(3): 435-453.

DeLaGarza J., and Mitropoulos P.  (1992). “Technology Transfer of expert Systems at Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation: A Case Study.”  Building Research and Information, 20 (4): 236-241.

DeLaGarza J., and Mitropoulos P.  (1991). “Technology Transfer Model for Expert Systems”, J. of Constr. Engrg. & Mgt., 117(4): 736-755.


Conference Proceedings Refereed Papers

Mitropoulos, P., Alves, T., Walsh K. D. (2014) “Parade Plus:  A Simulation Game for Investigating and Teaching Strategies for Managing Production Variability and Dependence” Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, GA, May 19-21.

Mitropoulos, P. (2014) “Accident Prevention through Production control: Lessons from High Reliability Foremen” Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, GA, May 19-21.

Mitropoulos, P. and Memarian B. (2014) “Production Practices of High Reliability Foremen and their Role in Accident Prevention” ASC 50th International Conference, March 26-28, Washington, DC.

Mitropoulos, P., Houssain, S., Guarascio-Howard, Linda and Memarian, B. (2013) “Improving Productivity and Ergonomics in HVAC Installation” 49th Annual International Conference of the Associated Schools of Construction, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA, April 10-13.

Memarian, B. and Mitropoulos, P. (2012) “Managing Projects for Speed and Safety:  Work Practices of a High Performance Concrete Supervisor” 2012 Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction.

Mitropoulos, P. (2012) “Interaction of Production Control and Safety Management System and Implications for Safety" 2012 Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction.

Tsao, C., Alves, T., and Mitropoulos, P. (2012) “Different Perspectives On Teaching Lean Construction” 2012 Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction.

Memarian, B. and Mitropoulos, P. (2012) “Organizing Production for Speed and Safety: Lessons from a multi-story concrete building.” In Thurairajah N. (Ed), Conference Proceedings of the CIB International Management of Construction Research to Practice (MCRP) Conference, CIB, ISBN 978-2-9813355-1-7, June 26-30, Montreal, pp 894-905.

Memarian, B. and Mitropoulos, P. (2012) "Safety Incidents and High Risk Activities in Masonry Work" In Cai, H., Kandil, A., Hastak, M., and Dunston P. (Eds) Construction Challenges in a flat world, Proceedings of the Construction Research Congress, ASCE, May 21-23, Purdue, IN, pp: 2510-2519.

Mitropoulos, P. and Memarian B. (2012) “A Framework of Teamwork Attributes Affecting Workers Safety” In Cai, H., Kandil, A., Hastak, M., and Dunston P. (Eds) Construction Challenges in a flat world, Proceedings of the Construction Research Congress, ASCE, May 21-23, Purdue, IN. pp:1400-1408.

Mitropoulos, P. (2011) “Safety outcomes as a function of the production control system and safety management:  An integrative perspective.” CIB W099 Conference, August 22-24, Washington, DC.

Memarian B., and Mitropoulos, P. (2011) “Work Factors Affecting Task Demands of Masonry Work” 47th Annual International Conference of the Associated Schools of Construction, April 6 – 9, Omaha, Nebraska. 

Memarian B., and Mitropoulos, P. (2010) “Effect of Work Practices on Task Demand and Performance of Construction Workers: A Case Study of Masonry Crews.” XXIInd Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference, June 10-11, Tempe, Arizona.

Houssain S., Mitropoulos, P., and Howard, L. (2010) “A Comparison of Duct Installation Methods: Effect of Work Organization on the Ergonomic Loads of Mechanical System Installers.” XXIInd Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference, June 10-11, Tempe, Arizona.

Mitropoulos, P. and Memarian, B. 2010. “Understanding the Task Demands of Residential Framing Tasks and Accidents” 46th Annual International Conference, Associated Schools of Construction, April 7-10, Boston, MA. On-line proceedings accessed April 2010.

Mitropoulos, P. 2010. “A Framework of Task Demand Factors for Residential Framing Accidents.”  20th Construction Safety Conference & Exposition, Feb 16-18, Rosemont, Illinois.

Mitropoulos, P. 2010. “The Task Demands Assessment Methodology.”  20th Construction Safety Conference & Exposition, Feb 16-18, Rosemont, Illinois.

Mitropoulos, P., and Cupido G. 2009. “Safety as an Emergent Property: How Work Practices Reduce the Likelihood of Accidents.” Proceedings of the XXIst Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference, Marley R., Kumar, A., Ware B., and Lockhart, T. (eds), International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety, 11-12 June, Dallas, Texas, pp. 90-96.

Mitropoulos, P., and Guillama, V. 2009 “Accidents and High Risk Tasks in Residential Framing.” Proceedings of the XXIst Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference, Marley R., Kumar, A., Ware B., and Lockhart, T. (eds), International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety, 11-12 June, Dallas, Texas, pp. 83-89.

Mitropoulos, P., and Namboodiri M. 2009. “Measuring the Effect of Production Variables on Safety: The Task Demand Methodology,” Proceedings of the XXIst Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference, Marley R., Kumar, A., Ware B., and Lockhart, T. (eds), International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety, 11-12 June, Dallas, Texas, pp. 298-304.

Schafer, D., Abdelhamid, T., Mitropoulos, P., and Mrozowski, T. 2009. “Resilience Engineering:  A New Approach for Safety Management.” Proceedings of the 2009 Construction Research Congress: Building a Sustainable Future, S. T. Ariaratnam, E. M. Rojas (eds) Seattle, WA, April 5-7, 766-775.

Mitropoulos, P., and Namboodiri, M. 2009. “Integrating Productivity and Safety Analysis with the Task Demand Methodology: A Case of Concrete Paving.” Proceedings of the 2009 Construction Research Congress: Building a Sustainable Future, Ariaratnam, S. T. and Rojas, E. M. (eds) Seattle, WA, April 5-7, 695-704.

Abdelhamid, T.S., Narang, P., and Mitropoulos, P.  (2009). “Hazard Identification Using Fuzzy Signal Detection Theory”.  Proceedings of the 19th Annual Construction Safety Conference, 17-19 Feb 2009, Rosemont, Illinois.

Mitropoulos, P. 2008 “Beyond Compliance: A Cognitive Approach to Construction Safety.” Proceedings of CIB-W99 Int’l Conference: “Evolutions and Directions in Construction Safety and Health,” March 9-11, Gainsville, FL., 182-192.

Mitropoulos, P., and Guillama, V. 2008. “Accidents, High Risk Tasks and Error Proofing Opportunities in Residential Framing.” Proceedings of CIB-W99 Int’l Conference: “Evolutions and Directions in Construction Safety and Health,” March 9-11, Gainsville, FL., pp. 445-455.

Schafer, D., Abdelhamid, T., Mitropoulos, P., and Howell G. 2008 “Resilience Engineering: A New Paradigm for Safety in Lean Construction Systems” Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Tzortzopoulos, P.; Kagioglou, M. (Eds), July 16-18, Manchester, UK. 723-733.

Mitropoulos, P. 2008. “A Cognitive Approach to Construction Safety and New Strategies for Accident Prevention.” Proceedings of the 18th Annual Construction Safety Conference: Safety & Health by Design, Feb. 12-14, Rosemont, IL, pp. 396-399.

Mitropoulos, P., and Guillama, V. 2008 “Error Proofing Opportunities for Residential Framing Accident Prevention.” Proceedings of the 18th Annual Construction Safety Conference: Safety & Health by Design, Feb. 12-14, Rosemont, IL, pp. 272-279.

Mitropoulos, P., Namboodiri, M., and Cupido, G. 2007. “Safety as an Emergent Property of the Production System: How Lean Practices Reduce the Likelihood of Accidents.” Proc. of the 15th Confer. of the International Group for Lean Construction, July 18-20, E. Lansing, MI, p282-293.

Mitropoulos, P., and Cupido, G. 2007. “Work practices of High Reliability Crews: an Exploratory Study.” Construction Research Congress, ASCE, May 6-8, Bahamas.

Mitropoulos P. 2005 “Planned Work Ready: A Proactive Metric for Project Control.” 13th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, July 19-21, Sydney, Australia, 235-242.

Mitropoulos P., Howell G. A., and Abdelhamid T. S. 2005 “Accident Prevention Strategies: Causation Model and Research Directions” ASCE, Construction Research Congress, April 5-7, San Diego, CA, 36-42.

Mitropoulos P., Howell G. A., and Reiser P. 2003. “Workers at the Edge: Hazard Recognition and Action.” 11th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, July 21-24, Blacksburg, VA.

Abdelhamid T. S., Patel B., Howell G. A., and Mitropoulos P. 2003. “Signal Detection Theory: Enabling Work Near the Edge.” 11th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, July 21-24, Blacksburg, VA.

Matthews O., Howell, G. A., and Mitropoulos P., 2003. “Aligning the Lean Organization: A Contractual Approach.” Proc., 11th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, July 22-24, Blacksburg, VA.

Howell, G. A., Ballard G., Abdelhamid T. S., and Mitropoulos P., 2003. “Rethinking Safety: Learning to Work Near the Edge.” ASCE Construction Research Congress: Winds of Change: Integration and Innovation in Construction. K. R. Molenaar, and Paul S. Chinowsky (editors), March 19-21, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Howell, G. A., Ballard G., Abdelhamid T. S., and Mitropoulos P., 2002. “Working Near the Edge: A New Approach to Construction Safety.” 10th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Aug 6-8, Gramado, Brasil.

Mitropoulos P. and Howell G. A. 2001. “Performance Improvement Programs and Lean Construction” 9th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Aug. 6-8, Singapore.

Mitropoulos P. and Tatum C.B., 1995. “Process and Criteria for Technology Adoption Decisions,” Construction Congress, Proceedings of the 1995 Conference, C. William Ibbs, (editor), October 22-26, San Diego, California, 17-24.

DeLaGarza J., Mitropoulos P. 1992. “Technology Transfer of Expert Systems at CRSS: A Case Study” Fourth In’l Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Tokyo, Japan.

DeLaGarza J., Mitropoulos P.  1992. “Technology Transfer of Expert Systems at Stone and Webster Engr Corp: A Case Study”, CIB ’92 World Building Congress, Ottawa, 1992.

DeLaGarza J., Mitropoulos P.  1991.  “Factors Affecting the Transfer of Expert Systems Technology.” Preparing for Construction in the 21 Century, Construction Congress, Cambridge, MA, 471-477.